Dates, Route, General info, Rates, Registration, Ts&Cs, Map, Whaler entry. Old pictures. |
Wed 13th to Sun 17th September 2017.
Information interpreted from the organisers' website using online translators [and a touch of editor's indiscretion]. |
Sailing area . Overijssel, Netherlands. Starting at Hattem, near Zwolle. Ending at Blau [Blue] Hand Marina. (Map below).
Pictures from previous visits. (Several different areas but the "culture" and hotel barge remain the same.)
Hotel barge "In Dubio will again accompany and pamper us". |

"In Dubio"
Click to enlarge |
Wed 13/9: [Afternoon/early evening] Launch boats at Hattem, near Zwolle. [This is typically followed by a very short cruise to wherever the hotel barge In Dubio will be moored for the night].
Thu 14/9: [Morning] Hattem to Kampen (18 km). In Kampen, in the hole[?] of Kroes, lunch.
[Afternoon] depending on wind and weather decide if we are going to do A or B.
A- By druipsluis [lock] go in the Ganzediep and through the Goot [gutter] to the Scheepvaartgat (14 km) = total 32 km.
B - Sail to the Ketelmeer by Kattendiep to Rampspol over the Zwarte Meer [Black Lake] to the Scheepvaartgat. (25 km) = a total of 43 km.
Fri 15/9: Scheepvaartgat, via Genemuiden and Zwartsluis to Beulakker Wijde [wide blue lake], and Blue Hand Marina = 12 km.
[By road] Blau Hand to Hattem pick up the trailers. (± 2hrs aprox).
'The Youth' can easily use public transport go to Blue Hand and camp there. (We hope to welcome new - younger - people to join us for the weekend.) |
Sat 16/9: Round trip to Giethoorn. Various possibilities.
Sun 17/9: Early on, around the beautiful round trip through the Belterwijde by Kerkgracht (Church Canal) and Westelijke Schutsloot (Western Schutsloot) and back to Blue Hand Marina. (map below).
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Dorestad 2014
Click to enlarge |
General information- "Algemene Informatie" - [Loosely translated]
The annual raid Dorestad dangers of Wednesday evening to Sunday lunchtime in September, on varying routes in the Netherlands. The intention is that participants accomplish the trip without use of engines.
Playful game elements are inevitable, but a real competition it is not. First and foremost it is for pleasure.
Daily stages are planned which anyone can accomplish, with help if necessary.
Each morning a briefing will explain where the stage will go and what you can do on the way.
At the end of each afternoon we arrive at the agreed mooring of the accompanying mother ship, 'In Dubio', run by Leo and Hannah Versloot.
The price includes breakfast, evening meals and packed lunches, coffee and tea. Other beverages have to be paid separately. You are expected to help with chores once according to the time-table, laying tables, cleaning up etc.
For an extra price one can sleep aboard the in Dubio. Bed linen can be rented.
Please specify dietary and any other requirements in the registration form.
Of course speed each at your own risk. It is, among other things, requires that sufficient buoyancy in every boat, life jackets are present and a WA insurance has been taken out. See the general terms and conditions (in Dutch).
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Rates -
The prices are unchanged:
€ 250 for the entire time, € 300 if you sleep on the in Dubio. Bed linen: € 12.50
Coffee and tea are included, as well as breakfast and lunch, and dinner Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
[There are other deals for people who join on Friday evening.] |

"In Dubio"
Click to enlarge
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Registration - (in Dutch and some English).
Either use the contact form, or through a direct mail to Hans Detmers. You will receive a reply from Hans Detmers.
We regret there is some restriction about the number of eaters: max 40 persons, and the cabins: max 24 sleepers on 'In Dubio'. [Otherwise you can self cater alongside].
Terms and Conditions - "Algemene Voorwaarden" -
To the use of small sailing and rowing boats are inherent security risks.
All participants in the Raid Dorestad participate at your own risk and expense.
The organizers of the Raid Dorestad do not accept any responsibility for any injury or damage to participants or their boat's property.
Participants in the Raid Dorestad are itself liable for inflicted by themselves to other participants or third parties (e) damage or injuries.
1. I declare me to be aware of the inherent risks associated with the use of small sailing and rowing boats are connected and to have read the above statement and to endorse.
2. I declare completely at your own risk and expense to the Dorestad and the organizers of the Raid Dorestad Raid is not liable for any injuries or damage.
3. I certify that I am sufficiently prepared for and have the required vaarmanskunst for safe participation in the Raid Dorestad.
4. I declare that my boat and its equipment, are suitable for safe participation in the Raid Dorestad.
5. I state that I have taken all the measures necessary to secure to the Raid Dorestad.
6. I certify all of they entire crew and am authorised for that purpose by my entire crew.
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Where is Dorestad Raid in 2017? -
Map -
More exact location click here

Sailing Area. Map. Based on Feb 2017 information. - Click for interactive map.

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Henley Whalers' participation in 2017 - 4 options?
(1) Crew for other people on their boats. Done by ST & PW in the past.
(2) Rent a local boat. “Many there”. (The Organisers would probably research this again on our behalf.)
(3) Small number of crew take a small boat. - This is the plan for 2017.
Take Molly (subject to Geoff’s approval, enough crew, towing vehicle).
Contact PW if interested.
Previous Visits-
2016 - Whalers' pics. Other crews' pics.
2014 - PW's pics. Other crews' pics.
2011 - PW's pics . Other crews' pics.
2010 - Some pictures from CB here. (False link. Need to contact CB)
2009 - CB's photos are here . Video here.
2007 - Whalers' pics. Other crews' pics.
Dates, Route, General info, Rates, Registration, Ts&Cs, Map, Whaler entry. |
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